Perhaps you have thought to bowfish for a unique saltwater fish and thought about black drum. This isn’t an oily fish, and it has a tasty flavor. In fact, it tastes so good that some restaurants in the South even serve black drum as a delicacy. When these fish are caught young, they have a…
Bowfishing vs. Spearfishing: Which is Right for Me?
Maybe you have thought about doing bowfishing, but you wondered to yourself if spearfishing makes more sense. I’m not going to tell anyone what to do, but I will highlight the differences between the two types of fishing and outline what makes each sport worth checking out. Given enough time, you might do both, but…
Step-by-Step: How to Remove Bowfishing Arrow from Fish
You just shot your first fish and wonder how to safely remove the arrow from it. Like with removing the hook from a fish when fishing, you have a right way to do this and a wrong way. Understanding how to do it can make a big different, and it will keep you safe. In…
Can Baitcast Reels Get Wet?
Maybe you have gone out fishing and wondered to yourself if baitcast reels can get wet. Especially being around a lot of water this is a serious question, and what happens if it rains? Can baitcast reels get wet? You can get a baitcast reel wet and not have to worry about it too much….
Can You Run Two Trolling Motors?
Maybe you have gone trolling for some fish and thought to yourself if having two or more trolling motors might make the boat faster. Even with that said, we look at it in terms of can you, but you also have to answer another question, such as should you? Can you run two trolling motors?…
Bowfishing Arrows are Made from What Material?
Bowfishing arrows differ from regular arrows because they don’t have feathers on them, and they weigh more than regular arrows. This helps them to penetrate the water better. However, they don’t fly even close to as far as regular arrows, which fly 150 feet. Bowfishing arrows can only fly 20 feet at most because of…
Do You Use a Release When Bowfishing?
When you go bowfishing, you may find yourself wondering if other people have used a release. With the bow, a release is a device that lets you fire your shots more accurately. Instead of using the fingers, it uses a trigger to make a release on the bow. Do you use a release when bowfishing?…
Can You Use a Whisker Biscuit for Bowfishing?
Perhaps you have wondered to yourself if you could use a whisker biscuit while bowfishing. This holds the arrow securely on the bow, and at the same time, it makes you ready to take shots at the fish as they swim into view. The biggest advantage of using a whisker biscuit is that it helps…
How Long Do Carbon Fiber Arrows Last?
Maybe you have thought to go the extra mile and buy carbon fiber arrows. Most people will tell you how carbon fiber arrows work better than aluminum arrows. Aluminum can bend from a hard impact, which can force you to replace it sooner. Because of durability, strength and weight, carbon fiber arrows tend to be…
Can a Compound Bow Penetrate a Skull? [Learn the answer here]
Many times, you see this in the movies where someone shoots an arrow, and it instantly kills the person after it penetrates the skull. They consider it one of the best shots. It makes you wonder if that has any basis in reality, or is this a myth? You have rightful skepticism because Hollywood doesn’t…